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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Here's some funny pictures of old people!

These are some sorta asians. Look at them! They are old!

Look at this old lady! I dunno even know what race she is cuz she's so old, but she has a tiara!

This old person took a pic with her son! Look at it!

This old man is broke as shit!

This silver fox just robbed someone!

This old motherfucker gets all the bitches!

This old-ass grandma is a dirty little whore!

Old people, YOU ARE AWESOME!

Sarah Pailin, GO FUCK YA-SELF!


  1. hahahaha. the woman with the tiara grosses me out

  2. This is the most random of random pictures I have ever seen. This just reminds me of the old Got milk commercial where the old guys were drinking milk and the bikers had beer and got into a fight with the old guys. To which in this case the old guys one =P

  3. Wow the second last one... caught me by surprise...

  4. that man on tan must have been some real hulk back then

  5. Looks like silver fox has that paper ;)

  6. the chinese people look great, i like the fact they're smiling

  7. FOP's are the greatest. The guy in the thong is gross though lol.

  8. I really loved the point of this post in the end. xD

  9. i was half expecting lemonparty to pop up... wtf is wrong with me

  10. They're scary... Especially the last one :(

  11. the second pic was great, great post man.

  12. The one with an old guy wearing a speedo...

